The dialogic method in teaching chemistry: reflections about an educational experience

Autores: Leidelaine Sérgio Peruce, Letícia Perucci de Lima, Thamires Lana e Silva, Kerley dos Santos Alves, Sheila Alves de Almeida, Maria Alzira Diniz Almeida e Ângela Leão Andrade


Esse trabalho discute a aprendizagem de um tópico de Química a partir da cooperação entre estudantes de mesmo grau. Para isso, bolsistas do Ensino Médio foram selecionadas para ensinarem a estudantes de uma série anterior. Essa relação, menos formal do que a que ocorre entre professor e estudante, é abordada neste trabalho. Dentre as principais evidências, foi percebido que no decorrer das atividades as bolsistas tornaram-se protagonistas, ora assumindo o papel de líderes frente à elaboração dos materiais, ora de monitores, numa abordagem de ensino mais interativa e dialógica com estudantes de outras séries. O enriquecimento mútuo aconteceu de forma natural e amadurecida. Conclui-se que a horizontalidade das relações, a identidade entre os sujeitos que aprendem e apreendem na linguagem paralela entre bolsistas e estudantes levam a bons resultados de aprendizagem.


This paper discusses the learning ability of a topic in Chemistry from the mutual cooperation between students coursing about the same high school degree. Studentships were awarded to selected students who got the duty to teach other students from an immediately previous high school level. This relationship among students, less formal than that usually established between teachers and students, is evaluated in this work. Among the main observed evidences, it appears clear that during the activities the students acting as instructors became very active protagonists, sometimes assuming even the role of real leaders towards the preparation of materials, or of other students acting as monitors, in an indeed interactive and dialogic teaching approach to other lower levels students. Mutual enrichment naturally happened and got matured. As an interesting conclusion of this study, the horizontality of relations and the identity between the parallel learning language between instructors and other students lead to really good learning outcomes.


Docência; Dialogia; Construção de Conceitos.


Teaching; Dialogic; Construction of Educational Concepts.

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