An application of a pedagogical proposal for the construction of scientific knowledge from the refraction of light

A pedagogical application for construction of scientific knowledge from the refraction of light

  • Fernando Augusto Silva Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso - Campus Avançado de Guarantã do Norte
  • Aline Sanches Perez Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP
Keywords: refraction, History of Science, Pedagogical application


The application of History of Science (HC) contexts in the development of Physics content in High School has made great contributions in teaching-learning. Therefore, the incorporation of HC in Physics classes can motivate students, humanize the subject and attribute to a concept or law, a construction process, often long, which in turn can broaden the vision of realistic scientific work. In this pedagogical practice, we aim to apply historical contexts about the phenomenon of light refraction, which has undergone changes over time, and despite this, the content is often offered in classrooms, as a triviality of nature that was mathematized, discarding much of it. of the construction process. Combined with the HC, we apply a sequence of classes that also intends to extend this broader view of the construction of Science to other contents. After the application of this proposal, the students demonstrated to correctly identify optics concepts, however the simplistic character of the scientific doing, identified, was partially changed, which demonstrates that for a profound change of the paradigms of the scientific doing more interactions are necessary with a vision realistic view of science, although theoretical concepts have been incorporated.

Author Biography

Aline Sanches Perez, Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP

Graduada em Física pelo Instituto de Física da Universidade de São Paulo (IFUSP), onde paralelamente desenvolveu e concluiu três projetos de Iniciação Científica no grupo dos Fluidos Complexos (IFUSP) voltados ao estudo estrutural de proteínas e surfactantes a partir de técnicas como SAXS, DLS, CD, ITC e fluorimetria . Realizou intercâmbio na University of Aarhus (Dinamarca) entre 2018 e 2019, onde desenvolveu um projeto de pesquisa no Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), com bolsa CAPES - Graduação Sanduíche, com ênfase na caracterização estrutural resultado da interação de ovalbumina com diferentes classes de surfactantes. Mestre em Física pelo Instituto de Física de São Carlos da USP, com ênfase nos efeitos da radiação eletromagnética (nos espectros do raio X, ultravioleta A e C e no micro-ondas) na respiração de mitocôndrias isoladas. Atualmente desenvolve o doutorado no IFUSP dedicado ao estudo dos efeitos de nanopartículas em células tumorais de glioblastomas submetidas à baixas doses de raio X
